Growing flowers, vegetables and greens in pots

Some of the owners in the city have a small terrace, balcony or have a small garden in front of the block. Some of them are interested in growing flowers, greens or vegetables in pots. Find out how you can grow vegetables or greens in a small space, outdoors, in the yard, terrace or balcony.

1. The potted garden

This type of gardening is easy to do outdoors, on the terrace or balcony, and is an alternative for those people who have these limitations, do not have a yard, like those who live at home. Pots with flowers or aromatic plants, suspended or placed on shelves, are also an interesting way of decorating balconies .

There are many plants that can be grown in large pots, such as: peas, cucumbers, carrots, beans, spinach, tomatoes, onions and others.

Compact sized herbs and medicinal plants can be grown quite easily in pots. The most popular are: basil, sage, dill, parsley, rosemary, thyme, mint, lavender, oregano, chamomile, fennel, lavender.

There are many flowers that adapt very well in the soil in the pot, outdoors, on the terrace or balcony: African violets, daffodils, tulips, roses, pansies, lilies and others.

2. Useful tips to grow healthy plants

To grow well, plants need a bit of space, a soil that contains the necessary nutrients, natural light (some prefer shade, others sun), air circulation around the plant. Many plants prefer low light, they should not be kept in direct sunlight.

Plant roots need 1-2 cm around them to effectively take nutrients from the soil and grow well. Therefore, slightly larger pots should be used. Small pots can be used for seeds and obtaining seedlings.

The plant needs room for root expansion to grow healthy. Some plants are fast-growing (such as arugula) and need a proper pot right from the start when the seeds are planted in the ground.

Advantages of growing plants in pots

By growing in pots, the plant can have the type of soil and nutrients to facilitate its development and growth. Each plant needs certain specific nutrients for its optimal development.

In case of a change in the weather, the plants can be saved from the weather, they can be brought inside more easily by moving the pots. When the temperature is favorable you can keep the plants outside, and when there is a risk that the plants will die due to the environmental conditions, they can be brought inside the house.

Water-loving plants can be watered as often as needed; the water stays longer in the pot than in the ground outside.

Vegetables or herbs grown in pots are fresher than those from the supermarket. In this way, you can have at hand any type of plant you want for culinary preparations. In addition, commercial products are treated with herbicides and pesticides, potted products will be environmentally friendly.

Which plants grow well in pots?

Greens grow well in pots, especially if they have the water, sun and nutrients they need. They should not be watered excessively, because they rot. Each pot needs a drainage system, thus preventing excess moisture. Plants need water, but it’s not good to have too much moisture, like sitting in a swamp, because that leads to damage to the roots and the appearance of fungal infections. With the help of drainage holes, excess water will be removed from the pot.

Also read:   Beautify your home with an exotic-looking Asparagus plant

For decorative plants, water can be placed in the saucer and thus they will take as much water as they need.

Plants that are not watered enough, that have dry soil, will not be able to get the nutrients they need from the soil and this will stunt their development and growth. Eventually, the plant will die from lack of nutrients.

Potted dill

Dill grows well in pots if kept in a sunny spot and watered every day. A little sand is put in the ground , so the dill will not be prone to mold. When the dill has grown to 15 cm, the soil around it can be supplemented with seeds, to ensure a continuous supply throughout the warm season.

Potted thyme

Thyme is grown in spring and summer. If it gets too wet, thyme can rot quite easily. It is recommended to add compost or sand to the soil , so the water will not stagnate too much in the soil and the rotting of the plant can be avoided. For thyme, a deeper pot is used to give more room for the roots to develop.

Potted mint

For mint, you need a bigger pot, because the plant thus grows vigorously and becomes crowded. It is advisable to grow mint from ready-made seedlings, because the plant grows quite hard. You can buy mint seedlings from the market, or potted plants from the supermarket.

With mint it is good to break the leaves more often, because in this way the plant will be encouraged to give new ones. Therefore, leaf picking must be done on time. They can be used for food, salads, natural juices. For water and juices, young leaves are best. Mint must be watered daily, it loves water.

Potted basil

Basil is aromatic, grows very well in pots, in a sunny place. If the sun becomes too strong in summer, it must be moved to a more shaded place, because otherwise its leaves turn yellow. If overwatered, basil can be affected by mold. To prevent mold, basil needs air and space around it, it is not good for the plants to be crowded. Basil does not tolerate cold and rainy weather, so it is better to move it indoors.