Why Are Mushrooms Growing in my Garden? 6 Great Tips to Get Rid of Them

Mushrooms are a fungus, and they can be found in many different environments. But why are mushrooms growing in my garden? They tend to grow in dark, damp places, like your garden! Mushrooms can be a nuisance because they often pop up overnight, making it difficult to get rid of them. In this blog post, we will discuss the causes of mushroom growth in your garden and provide some tips on how to get rid of them.

Why Are Mushrooms Growing in my Garden?

Mushrooms Are A Type Of Fungus

Mushrooms are a type of fungus, which is a group of organisms that includes yeasts and molds. Fungi are eukaryotic, meaning they have cells that contain a nucleus. Mushrooms are classified as decomposes, which means they break down organic matter.

Mushrooms reproduce by releasing spores into the air. These spores can travel long distances and eventually land in your garden. If the conditions in your garden are right, the spores will germinate, and the mushrooms will start to grow.

Causes Of Mushroom Growth In Your Garden

There are several reasons why mushrooms might be growing in your garden. One possibility is that you have mulch or other organic matter on your soil surface, providing the mushrooms with food.

Another possibility is that you have a decaying tree or other plant in your garden. Mushrooms often grow on dead or dying trees. If you have a tree stump or enter your garden, this could also provide the mushrooms with food.

Finally, it is also possible that the spores are coming from your neighbour’s yard. If they have mushrooms growing in their yard, the spores can easily travel to your garden and start to grow there.

Tips For Getting Rid Of Mushrooms:

If you don’t want mushrooms growing in your garden, there are a few things you can do to try to get rid of them. Here are some tips:

1) Remove The Mushrooms As Soon As You See Them

One of the best ways to get rid of mushrooms is to remove them as soon as you see them. This will help to prevent the spores from spreading and will also make it easier to remove the entire mushroom. To do this, simply dig around the mushroom with a shovel or trowel and then lift it out of the ground. You can also use a knife to cut the mushroom at the base.

2) Improve Air Circulation

Another way to get rid of mushrooms is to improve air circulation in your garden. Mushrooms thrive in damp, dark conditions, so by increasing airflow, you can make your garden less hospitable for them. One way to do this is to thin out trees and shrubs so that there is more light and air movement. You can also install fans or vents to help circulate air throughout the garden.

3) Be diligent about clean-up

To deter mushrooms is to be vigilant about cleaning up in your garden. Mushroom spores can lurk in fallen leaves and other organic debris, so it’s important to remove these things from the garden on a regular basis. Rake up leaves and other organic matter on a regular basis, and dispose of them in a compost bin or municipal waste bin. Keeping your garden clean will make it less likely for mushrooms (and other pests) to take hold.

4) Improve The Drainage In Your Garden

Mushrooms thrive in damp conditions, so improving the drainage in your garden can help to get rid of them. Make sure there is no standing water anywhere in the garden, and consider adding drainage tiles or raised beds to improve drainage further. You should also avoid over watering your plants, as this will create the perfect environment for mushrooms to grow.

5) Use A Mushroom-Killing Spray

You can use a mushroom-killing spray if you want a more immediate solution. These sprays contain chemicals that kill mushrooms on contact. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully, as some chemicals can harm humans and animals if used improperly. Always wear gloves and protective clothing when using a mushroom-killing spray, and avoid spraying it on any plants you plan to eat. With a little effort, you can get rid of mushrooms for good!

6) Talk to a professional

If you want to get rid of mushrooms in your garden but don’t know how to, consider talking to a professional. A landscaper or horticulturist can give you specific advice for your garden and can even help you identify the type of mushroom growing in your garden. They can also provide you with a list of the best products to use for getting rid of mushrooms.


Can I eat the mushrooms growing in my garden?

This is a difficult question to answer, as many different mushroom types exist. Some mushrooms are edible, while others are poisonous. If you are unsure about whether or not a mushroom is safe to eat, it’s best to err on the side of caution and avoid eating it. If you want to eat the mushrooms in your garden, consider talking to a professional who can help you identify which ones are safe to eat.

What if I have pets or children?

If you have pets or children, it’s important to take care when using any chemicals in your garden. Mushroom-killing sprays can be harmful if used improperly, so be sure to follow the instructions carefully. You may also want to avoid using any sprays if you have pets or children, as they can come into contact with the chemicals and become sick.

Can mushrooms harm my plants?

Mushrooms generally don’t harm plants, but they can compete with them for nutrients. If you have a lot of mushrooms in your garden, you may want to consider removing them so your plants can thrive.

What is the best time of year to get rid of mushrooms?

Mushrooms can grow at any time of year, but they are most common in late summer and fall. This is because they thrive in damp, dark conditions. If you want to get rid of mushrooms, you can do so at any time of year. However, you may have more success if you remove them in late summer or fall.


Mushrooms are a type of fungus that can be found in many environments, including gardens. Gardeners may find mushrooms growing in their garden for a number of reasons, but most often, it is due to the presence of organic matter or moisture. Mushrooms can also provide some benefits to gardens, such as improving soil health and attracting beneficial insects.

Although mushrooms can be interesting to look at, it is important to remember that they should not be eaten unless they have been identified and confirmed as safe by an expert. If you want to get rid of mushrooms in your garden, there are a number of options available, such as improving drainage, using a mushroom-killing spray, or talking to a professional. With a little effort, you can enjoy a mushroom-free garden!

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