How to Keep Chickens Out of Your Garden?

If you have chickens, you know that they love to eat vegetables. This can be a problem if you are trying to grow a garden in your backyard. Chickens can quickly destroy your plants by eating the leaves and digging up the soil. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips and tricks for keeping chickens out of your garden.

Why Do Chickens Eat Plants?

Chickens are omnivores, which means that they eat both plants and animals. In the wild, chickens would eat a variety of things, including insects, worms, seeds, and fruits. However, most domesticated chickens are fed a diet of grain and pellets. This diet is not very nutritious for chickens; they will often supplement it by eating plants. Chickens also like to eat plants because they are bored. If chickens are not given enough to do, they will become bored and start pecking at things out of curiosity.

How Can I Keep Chickens Out of My Garden?

There are a few things that you can do to keep chickens out of your garden. Here are some tips:

1) Fence off your garden:

This is probably the most effective way to keep chickens out of your garden. A fence will prevent chickens from being able to get into the garden and eat your plants. You can use chicken wire, netting, or even a physical barrier like a board or piece of plywood.

2) Put the chicken wire on the ground:

If you are worried about chickens digging up your plants, you can put chicken wire on the ground around your garden. This will prevent chickens from being able to get to the roots of your plants. Remember to bury the chicken wire a few inches into the ground so that chickens cannot dig under it.

3) Plant chicken-resistant plants:

There are some plants that chickens do not like to eat. You can try planting these in your garden to deter chickens from eating your plants. Some examples of chicken-resistant plants include marigolds, nasturtiums, and lavender.

4) Give your chickens something to do:

As we mentioned before, chickens can become bored and start pecking at things out of curiosity. To prevent this, you should give your chickens something to do. You can give them toys, scratch posts, or perches. You can also try letting them free range in your backyard for a few hours each day.

5) Using Net:

One of the simplest ways to keep chickens out of your garden is to enclose it with chicken wire or netting. Just be sure to bury the wire several inches underground so curious chickens can’t dig their way in. Netting can also create temporary fencing around young plants or seedlings. This will give them a chance to get established before the chickens start scratching around in the dirt.

6) Move your garden:

You can try moving your garden to a different location if you have a small backyard. This will make it more difficult for chickens to find and eat your plants.

FAQs of How to Keep Chickens Out of Your Garden

Can I use a spray to keep chickens away from my plants?

Yes, you can use a chicken-repellent spray to keep chickens away from your plants. These sprays usually contain ingredients like hot pepper or garlic that will deter chickens from eating your plants.

What if I only have a few chickens?

If you only have a few chickens, you can try keeping them in a coop or pen. This will prevent them from being able to get to your garden. You can also try training your chickens not to eat plants.

Does this method work for ducks?

No, this method will not work for ducks. Ducks are different from chickens and do not eat plants the same way. If you have ducks, you will need to use a different method to keep them out of your garden.

How can I keep chickens out of my garden without a fence?

If you do not have a fence, you can try using chicken wire or netting. You can also try planting chicken-resistant plants. Finally, you can give your chickens something to do so they are not bored and start pecking at your plants out of curiosity.

Do chicken-repellent sprays work on rabbits?

No, chicken-repellent sprays will not work on rabbits. Rabbits are different from chickens and do not eat plants the same way. If you have rabbits, you will need to use a different method to keep them out of your garden.

Can I use this method to keep deer out of my garden?

No, this method will not work for deer. Deer are different from chickens and do not eat plants the same way. If you have deer, you will need to use a different method to keep them out of your garden.

What can I do if my chickens are already eating my plants?

If your chickens are already eating your plants, you can try using chicken wire or netting. You can also try planting chicken-resistant plants. Finally, you can give your chickens something to do so they are not bored and start pecking at your plants out of curiosity.


It is possible to keep chickens out of your garden by using some simple tips and tricks. By following these guidelines, you can protect your plants from being eaten or scratched up and ensure that your garden remains a beautiful and productive space. Have you had problems with chickens in your garden? What solutions have you tried? Let us know in the comments!