If you’ve started to be interested in the subject now and can’t wait to have a house full of greenery, we’ve listed the main tips for you to be successful in growing plants .
1. Evaluate the light
Sunlight is essential for plants to grow well and healthy. Therefore, the first action to take – even if it is composed of vases – is to assess the luminosity of the place. Full sun plants are those that need direct exposure to light for a few hours a day .
Half shade plants are those that prefer less sunlight. Shade plants, on the other hand , prefer diffused light, that is, they do not like direct exposure, but they do like luminosity. Therefore, it is the lighting that will determine which species will form your garden .
2. Keep an eye on the ground
To grow lush, plants need to establish roots. Therefore, it is necessary for a garden to have adequate soil for it to develop. To uncompact the soil, it is advisable to use a little construction sand in the mixture, so the area is more drained for the water to drain. This prepared land is called substrate and may contain some chemical substances – such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium – that will favor the growth of the plant . She is also the one who should compose the potted plants that you will have inside the house or on a balcony.
3. Which plant species to choose
The ideal is to start with species that are easier to care for. Cactus and succulents are good options as they need little watering and plenty of sun, which makes it easier for those who still don’t have a plant care routine . Later, you can assess the characteristics of your space and choose plants that fit.
4. How does irrigation work?
Plants need water to grow . In small gardens , you should include watering in your home routine. For larger areas, it is interesting to consider an irrigation system to facilitate. It is necessary to observe the behavior of each plant as excess water can be as harmful as the lack of it.
A good gardening tip is the finger test; sink the indicator into the substrate, if it is wet there is no need to water. If the soil feels dry, you can water again. It is also important to use vases with holes at the bottom supported on plates so that, in case there is excess water, it can drain and not leave the root soaked.
5. And how does pruning work?
The right time to prune is usually the end of winter as they produce less energy and are in a dormant state. That way, in the spring, when it gets more sun and more energy, it can grow stronger. It is also worth betting on maintenance pruning and removing branches and dead leaves to avoid the accumulation of organic material that can attract pests.
6. What are the fertilization rules?
Fertilizer is the substance that helps nourish the plant . Normally, when it is planted in the soil in a fertile space, it has the autonomy to draw nutrients from the soil itself. When we place a plant in a vase or flowerbed, it ends up being dependent on who takes care of it to add the necessary nutrients, since it is isolated in a container. Thus, it is always worth keeping an eye on the correct fertilizers for each species.
In general, there are two types: organic fertilizer made from animal manure and chemical fertilizer, formulated in the laboratory. It is also possible to produce your own homemade fertilizer from waste of organic origin, such as for gardening .