Are you having problems with dying plants and don’t know what to do? Know that you are not the only one in this boat! After all, there are some very demanding plants that need specific care that we are not always prepared for when we pick them up to care for.
However, for those who like green, having plants dying in the garden is not an option, is it? Therefore, it is always worth trying to revive them with some strategies often used by gardening lovers.
To understand how to take care of dying plants , be sure to read the topics that we separate below! Below, we list some ways to recover them so that you can put them into practice. Let’s go?
1. Exchange of vases
“My plants are dying, what to do ?”. If you find yourself asking this question, know that the first step is to try to change the pots, redeploying your plants.
Moving your “sad” plant can make all the difference, trust me! That’s because sometimes the vase is too small, and the roots are suffocating, needing a bigger place to develop.
Thus, the tip is to replant your plant in a larger vase, at least three centimeters wider. Afterwards, just observe and see if it really worked and if she’s growing beautifully.
2. Healthier foods
Do you know when we started eating better and gained more energy? So, the same goes for plants. Therefore, the tip for dying plants is to invest in healthy foods, that is, “turbine” the mixture of fertilizers used in your vase.
To recover dying plants , it is worth using coffee grounds, a type of organic fertilizer that is easy to find to provide more nutrients for your plantation.
If you want, it is still possible to create a composter (a place to deposit organic material) which, in addition to creating fertilizer for the plants, will help reduce the amount of waste in your home. Interesting, isn’t it?
3. Sun exposure
The sun is very important for plant development, and it would be no different when trying to recover dying seedlings . Therefore, when a species is fragile, try to place it in a place with a little sun, but also shade, as extreme exposure is also harmful.
Including, the tip is to invest in indirect sun, that is, the one through the window. Also, bet on few periods of exposure, preferably in the morning, when the light is not so strong.
4. Greenhouse effect
For some species, a little more investment may be necessary, as a humid environment for their development will be essential, such as a greenhouse. For this you will have to create this effect individually on each vase.
How to do this? It’s actually not that difficult! You will need to take a plastic bag and place it in each pot and keep it sealed for four to five days until the plant starts to show signs of improvement.
5. Elimination of pests
“I still don’t know how to recover plants that are dying!”. If the above tips weren’t enough, try turning your attention to the possible pests that are affecting your little plant. They could be the problem.
If you notice that your plant’s leaves and stem are stained or weak, know that this is a sign that pests are the cause of the dying plants. This can be generated by thermal imbalances, inadequate ventilation, accumulated garbage, among other reasons.
To solve the problem with pests, you can use homemade recipes or even organic fertilizers, which manage to keep them away. It is also possible to buy some products for this purpose.
6. Cutting dry leaves
Another important tip to revive your dying plants is to cut the leaves and branches that are already dead. That’s because they may still be using the plant’s important nutrients and minerals.
If you’re not sure the branch is dead, here’s a tip: use your fingernail to scrape the branch. If the inside is green, it’s still alive. In that case, just cut the ends. Pretty simple, isn’t it?
7. Drainage check
The excessive amount of water in the vase can also be the major cause of problems in your plantation. So, the tip is to check the drainage holes under the pot.
Remember that small plants need pots with at least 1.2 cm holes. If the plant is bigger, this hole needs to be even bigger, so pay attention to this detail before buying.
In case you realize that drainage is indeed the problem, the only solution is pot transplant. Once you’ve done this, be aware of drainage and the amount of watering, which should be frequent, but not excessive.